Thursday, March 3

Freebie of the Week: Free Seeds

So, I wanted to share some gems that I find online. So every Thursday, I will share with you my Freebie of the Week. I surf for freebies practically every day. I want you to have the benefit of that. As of today, I get no benefits from these except that, like you, I get the product for free. The owners of the website did not search me out, I searched out the freebie and found their site. So, with no further ado, here is this week's freebie:

Free Seed!!!

And to go with it a free gardening ebook.

I know it's not making money online, BUT with gardening you can plant your own food and become more self-sustaining. THAT is my ultimate goal. Good luck with your garden and let me know how it goes and what seeds you order.

I ordered: strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes, beans, corn, bellpeppers, and alot more. I will post when I receive them in the mail :)