Monday, December 13

Mystery Shopping

Today I would like to talk to you about mystery shopping. There are ALOT of scams surrounding mystery shopping, to the point that some think that the whole industry is a scam. That's just not true. There are plenty of reputable mystery shopping companies.

The Successful Secret Shopper: Tips, Tricks, and Advice (1)
The Successful Secret Shopper: Tips, Tricks, and Advice (1)
There are sources of shops. This is one of my favorite posting sites. This link goes into the forum. The first line is job postings. You can search the postings. There as a multitude of information for mystery shoppers, merchandisers, and practically everyone.

Another site of particular interest is MSPA. Their website states that there are over 400 member companies. They also list shops but in my experience, it has been best to search volition and the individual company sites. However, this company provides mystery shopper training. This is important because some shops are reserved only for those with certification. If you either can afford it or decide to be a serious mystery shopper, I do recommend certification. I am not certified but it's because neither applies to me.

The Essential Guide to Mystery Shopping: Make Money, Shop, Have Fun, Get an Insider's Guide to Success 

Always read the fine print. As a mystery shopper, you are normally considered an independent contractor. This is essential to understand because there are tax implications. Speak to an accountant or visit the IRS website for more information. Also, there are several items I feel you do need access to. You need not purchase these items, but if you have them that's even better. You will probably need a fax machine (or another way to fax, through the computer?), a spreadsheet program to keep track of payments, index cards and a box to keep up with passwords and companies, transportation, and patience. Some of these companies take awhile to pay, but it is worth the wait.

I can make 300-400 a month shopping. It's easy to get caught up in the trap of finding the "perfect" shop. Try not to do that. The pay per hour goes down. While most repay any money you spend (with a receipt), I don't always have extra money available.

Mystery shopping can be a great amount of fun, as can merchandising. I fully enjoy evaluating apartment complexes, auto dealerships, banks, restaurants, jewelry stores, and especially grocery stores. So, I hope you try this out. The information I have provided is the best to my knowledge. I promise this is one of the neatest and most fun ways to make money. There is some traveling but if you're already going to the mall, why not get paid?

Tell me all about your mystery shopping successes. I will only filter out spam. Opposing views are always welcome.

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