Thursday, March 10

Freebie of the Week: Free Coffee or Tea, or BOTH

Okay, I am going to be dead honest: I DO NOT LIKE COFFEE!!! I grew up with a mother who drinks 2-3 or maybe more pots of coffee a day BY HERSELF!! I love the smell of coffee, brewing, the "raw" grinds, the brewed grinds, the liquid. I love the SMELL!! But the taste is not pleasing to me. So, for my mom and others like her, here are some free coffee links: Coffee, Tasteschoice, Coffee (one includes Folgers.)

So, now you have your delicious brew on the way, but what oh what to drink it in? How about a free mug?

Okay, so for me, there is free tea. I really like southern sweet tea. Yummy. It's the best. With no further ado...

Tea Several different varieties, 1 per family. Teasta  Several varieties, 2 per order, 1 order per household Tea Chef I didn't see where it had that info, probably the same 1/family.

Okay, okay so you say you don't like tea OR coffee? How about hot chocolate? Hurry, it expires on March 31. But they say it will be back on October 27.

So, go enjoy your free beverages in your free mug. And I promise all will be well. Have a good evening, and let me know what you think.

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